Alexandria Petersburg Area, Huntingdon County Pennsylvania

Also Known as Juniata Valley of Huntingdon County


The year 1744 is the first record of John Hart's "logg", near where Alexandria is located now. During the land purchase of 1755 James Sterrat of Carlisle purchased 400 acres including the sleeping place called John Hart's log on the Juniata River, which is now Alexandria.

Some time in the years before 1785 the first mention of a religious group called Hartslog Presbyterian Congregation was formed. A log worship house, Old Hartslog Church, stood upon the hill one mile (1.6 km) north of the present site of the town of Alexandria, where a burial ground was later made. This was a primitive structure but by 1787 a floor was laid, six large windows set in, a large door constructed, and a pulpit and a communion table made. In 1794 it was laid off into four sections, and fitted with pews. In 1826, the old Hartslog congregation moved to a brick building, referred to by Senator John Scott in his memoirs as the "Brick Church", which seems to have been located near to the site of the present Reformed Church. The old log worship house was taken down the same year, and some of its logs were used in one or two of the dwellings of Alexandria.

In the late 18th century the primary transportation to and from Alexandria was the Juniata River, suitable only during summer and when the water depth permitted. On May 3, 1808, the new road from Harrisburg to Alexandria opened, permitting a more reliable connection with the outside world. In 1833 the Juniata Division of the Pennsylvania Canal was opened, the promise of better transportation started a mini housing boom in Alexandria. By 1875 the canal was abandoned and the Pennsylvania Railroad managed the transportation needs of the area.


Petersburg is a borough in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, United States. It was a stop on the former Pennsylvania Railroad Main Line between Tyrone and Huntingdon and the junction point for the Petersburg Branch.

It sits on the east side of Shaver Creek where it joins the Juniata River, just east of that river's source at the confluence of the Little Juniata River and the Frankstown Branch.

Alexandria and Petersburg, PA

The pictures are of Alexandria and Petersburg Juniata Valley Area

The pictures featured below are mostly from the Jackson Township Historical Preservation. They so graciously allowed the Huntingdon County History & Heritage Roundtable permission to use their collections.

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Alexandria Library
Alexandria 1934
Alexandria Community Band
Main Street 1913
Birmingham Bridge
Black's Esso Station Alexandria
Butcher Float 1910
Imperial Hotel Amoco Alexandria 1937
Keystone Garage
South Main Street Alexandria 1908
Parade 1907
Parker Family 1934
Parker Family Home 1934
Pennsylvania Railroad Station
Shelton Avenue Alexandria
Snow First Presbyterian Alexandia 193
Speck's Garage Alexandria
Old Interior of Diner 22